If you would like a physical copy of issue 14, it is now available to order on DriveThruRPG. Just check out the Issue 14 product page there to grab a copy.

Issue 14 Print Edition Available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 18:55
New Website Hosting
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 14:34This is the first post on our new website host. As you may or may not have known, from the beginning of the Frontier Explorer, it has been hosted on my home server. For the most part this has worked out well. However, that computer is starting to get old and you may have noticed that the site has been down occasionally over the past year or so. I haven't been able to track down the exact cause (at least in most cases. In a few of them it was my 1 year old), but it has been frustrating to me to have it go off-line when I've been at work and not be able to get it back up.
Thanks to our great Patreon supporters, I've been able to move the site to an off-site hosting provider. I made the offical switch last night (I've been testing things out for a couple of weeks) and now we are up and running on the new server. Hosting for Frontier Explorer is now being provided by Hostwinds. I shopped around and for what I needed, they seemed to provide the best deal and services.
This move has a couple of benefits. First, you should experience much fewer (i.e. none) site outages. In addition, the site now has more bandwidth (I only have a 5 MBs outbound connection) at home so it should load faster and downloads should be quicker. Finally, and this is more for me as the admin than for you, I will now have backups in multiple locations. Hostwinds provides a backup service but I can also do direct backups to my home server as well. Thus there will be backups in two locations if needed. I've always done daily backups (and have had to use them a couple of times) but they have always been just local to different disks and computers in my house.
If you experience any problems with the site now that we've moved, please let me know as soon as possible. Drop me a line at editors@frontierexplorer.org with the details so I can look into getting it resolved quickly.
Once again a shout out to all those supporting our Pateron campaign. Thank you for making this possible.

Frontier Explorer Issue 14 Now available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 11:41Well, it's a bit later than it should have been but school and family issues threw a wrench in the works last month. However, the hurdles were overcome and here is issue 14 of the Frontier Explorer.
This issue contains all the usual entries from equipment to spaceships to races to creatures to stories. It also branches out a bit in that one of the ships presented is primarily designed for Starships & Spacemen 2ed but has a Star Frontiers conversion. In addition, we have some articles by a couple of new authors including one of our Patreon supporters, Scott Holliday.
The contents of this issue are:
- The Space Clans
- My Friend Jurak and Fat Max
- The Artificers
- The Opening Act
- Ion Engines of the Frontier
- Remus Shuttle & Romulus Runabout
- Scarecrow Bot
- Limp Softly Carrying a Big Stick
- Titian Rising: 2299 Comic
- Got Gas Giants?
- The Astral Horizon
- Creature Conversions
- Paxac the Puncher
- A Wedding Tale
- Grimz Guide Comic
So grab your copy and dive in. And always remember to keep exploring.

Issue 13 Print Edition Available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 16:44The print edition of issue 13 is now available for purchase from DriveThruRPG. Visit the Issue 13 product page to get your copy.
Also, the starfrontiers.us site is back up at its regular URL. The temporary one will redirect if you're still using it.

Frontier Explorer Issue 13 Now Available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Fri, 07/24/2015 - 08:05Hello Explorers!
Lucky issue 13 of the Frontier Explorer is now available. This issue’s mini theme is racing and character mounts. We have a number of articles describing new creatures that can be used for races or as mounts for your characters when away from civilization as well as rule for running racing events in game or in your campaign.
Additionally we have another new race, some new ships and a compilation of all the Star Frontiers planetary and system data in to one comprehensive guide which was done by one of our Patreon supporters, Scott Holliday. We also have the usual comics and a couple of guides to existing races that flesh them out a bit more and give ideas for incorporating them into your game.
This issue’s full article list is:
- Zebulon’s Guide to the Humma
- Zebulon’s Guide to the Boon'Sheh
- Off to the Races
- Running With the Whitefooted Storch
- New Pale Centisteed
- Racing Mounts in the Frontier
- Titan Rising: 2299
- Trafalgar Trade Lines
- Meet the Delphusians
- Survey of the Frontier
- Is There Anybody There?
- Grimz Guide Comic
So grab your copy and dive in. And always remember to keep exploring.

PSA: alternate address for starfrontiers.us website
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Mon, 05/25/2015 - 20:31Due to issues with getting the starfrontiers.us domain registered, that domain is currently inactive. However, you can still access the site by going to http://sfus.starfrontiers.info . The website will remain up at that address until they can get the domain registration figured out.

Issue 12 Print Edition Available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Fri, 05/08/2015 - 19:46For those of you who like to have a dead tree version of the magazine, you can now grab a copy over on DriveThruRPG. Enjoy.

Frontier Explorer Issue 12 Now Available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 20:03![]() |
Hello Explorers!
Issue 12 of the Frontier Explorer is now available. This issue is all about psionics. We have a variety of articles on mentalist powers, equipment, creatures, and a new alien race by Laura Mumma, an author making her debut contribution to the magazine. I think you'll really enjoy the race she's invented.
In addition to the mentalism articles there are a variety of optional rules articles covering spaceship construction and critical successes and failures. Additionally we have an adventure set on Clarion, a short review of another old sci-fi RPG, our usual comics, and an analysis of what Gandalf the Gray would look like in the Star Frontiers setting.
The article list for this issue is:
- Zebulon’s Guide to the Rim
- An Intelligent Alien Invasion
- Thought Police
- Battle for the Mind
- Thought Police Archetype
- Dr Mento’s Psychic Equipment
- Psirens: Na’dezh’da
- An SP on Hakosoar
- Titan Rising: 2299
- New Engine Requirements for Knight Hawks Ship Construction
- Condition Critical
- Critical Hits in Star Frontiers
- The Frogg That Kissed the Prince
- Gandalf was a Level Six Technician and a Dralasite
- Universe RPG
- Grymz Guide Comic
We hope you enjoy this issue and as always, keep exploring!

Print Editions Now Available
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Tue, 03/24/2015 - 07:21I've been way behind on getting the print editions of the various issues available for order on DriveThruRPG. The last one available was issue 5. However, I've repented of my lazy ways and have gotten the print versions prepared and set up to order. The print editions of issues 6-11 are now all available and on-line. If you want to grab a copy, head over to our Frontier Explorer publisher page and select the issues you want. These print editions are sold at cost, just what it takes to actually print them.

Support the Frontier Explorer via Patreon
Submitted by Tom Stephens on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 07:24![]() |
We love making the Frontier Explorer. It's a labor of love and something that we greatly enjoy. But it does take a lot of effort and there are costs associated with making the magazine, running the website, and the time spent. If you enjoy the magazine and are inclined to say thanks by helping us defray those costs, consider supporting our Patreon campaign.
The Frontier Explorer is and always will be free for those that want to just enjoy its great content. By supporting the Patron campaign you are simply making a donation to tell us thank you and help us make the magazine even better. It's completely optional and your particpation (or not) will in no way affect access to the magazines. However, if you are interested in more behind the scenes access there are some perks for patronage.
As always, you can also just make one-time donations via our donate button on the left. I would like to take a moment to call out a special thanks to those that have donated to the site in the past. Thank you to
- Jeremy Boucher
- Kevin Wong
- Mark Ney
So if you want to help us out, please considering becoming a patron.