Create Submission

Submission Rules

To submit to the Frontier Explorer we really only have two requirements.  First that you have permission to submit the work for publication.  This usually means that it is your own creative endeavor and not something you've just found.  Or that you have gotten permission from the original author to make the submission.  In either case, you assume full responsibility for the content of the submission.  Second, the material must not have been published elsewhere in a copyrighted format.  If it is your work and you've published it before and want to publish it again here, we can do that as long as there are no copyright issues with the previous publication.  Beyond that, everything is fair game and we look forward to helping you get your material out to the community.  For more details on submission formats, please refer to our submission guidelines.

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt docx doc odt jpg png gif tif pdf zip svg.
By checking this box you assert that you have the right to submit this work for publication and assume all responsibility for the submission's content.
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Revision information
Provide an explanation of the changes you are making. This will help other authors understand your motivations.