Site Downtime

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The website will be down for a few hours of maintenance starting at 10am MDT on Friday, Aug 24th.  We're getting a network upgrade that will more than triple the download speed of the website allowing you to download the magazine issues and hi-res images faster (and support more people doing it at the same time). 

UPDATE - 08/23/12 10:00 pm MDT - The upgrade has been postponed until a future time due to some medical issues I have to take care of in my family.  I'll post another update when the new upgrade time is scheduled.

UDPATE - 08/24/12 3:15 pm MDT - The upgrade is done.  They showed up unexpectedly this afternoon while I was home and we did the switch over.  You should enjoy faster downloads now.

Tom Stephens's picture

I'd call it a success

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It's been just over a week since we released issue one of the Frontier Explorer and the response has been pretty amazing.  In fact the magazine has generated much more response that I expected, by quite a bit.  While the magazine is great, the Star Frontiers community that it is primarily aimed at is fairly small, or so I thought.  I'll be honest, I was expecting maybe 50-100 downloads from our website for issue one and that we'd be doing a lot of advertising and getting the word out to tell people about the magazine over the next few months as we went to press with issue two.  Needless to say, the response has been much greater than I expected.

From our website alone, we've had over 200 downloads in the ten days since we released the magazine.  On Tuesday of this week, we also made it available at DriveThruRPG and we've had another 250+ downloads from that site as well.  That's over 450 downloads from the two sources in just over the first week (The actual total as of this writing is 488).  I'm ecstatic and amazed at the response.  The real test, of course, will be to see how many come back for issue two, but I think we're off to a great start.

We've also had great feedback from several people complimenting us on the magazine.  We have even had a new author contact us about submitting an article.  I think that has been our greatest success story of issue one.  We really expected to have to put out two or three issues before we started receiving unsolicited submissions.  The fact that they are already coming in is great.

We're already hard at work on issue two and planning issues three through five.  Watch this space for more news and announcements and keep exploring the frontier.

jedion357's picture

Hazardous Environments Series

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This series was concieved and started a year ago to add challenges that were not combat related to the referee's toolbox. Combat is invariably one of the primary challenges in most rpgs and this is not likely to change. However, throwing a non combat challenge at the PCs can spice up an adventure and add some variety. Each article is focused on a particular theme: water, heat, lunar dust and more to come. Some hazards are environmental factors and others weather effects. Issue 2's article is written and this Fall the new challenges will involve the toxicity of lunar dust.

Tom Stephens's picture

Hi-res Content Now Available

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Due to a technical issue the Hi-Res download links for maps and images weren't working.  That has been fixed and nearly all the images and maps from issue 1 are no on-line and available for download.

Remeber that these images are copyrighted by their owners.  You may use them for personal use only unless otherwise stated by the artist/creator.


jedion357's picture

The Frontier Explorer Magazine is live and on line!

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Wow! That was two months of hard work but I am so proud of the first issue. We have a lot of functionality built into the website for us as editors and for registered users as well as the 'lurking' public. Having every article on line will be a boon to anyone who wants to refer to a specific article but also the hi-res down loads of the maps for users to print and use was an excellent idea.

Issue 2 is 80% written and Issue 3 is at 30% but the unwritten percentages are plotted so all we need to do is get them written or wrap up a partially written document.

I'm so looking forward to exploring more uncharted corners of the Frontier.

Tom Stephens's picture

Issue 1 Now Available

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We are excited to announce that Issue 1 of the Frontier Exploer is now available.  Jump on over to the Frontier Explorer Issues section to grab your copy.

Contents of this issue include gaming tips, a new starship and a complete gaming scenario among other things.  The full list of articles titles is:

We're still working on getting the Hi-Res Download section of the site up and running but it is coming soon.  Grab your copy of the Frontier Explorer, sit back, and enjoy.

Tom Stephens's picture

Welcome to the Frontier Explorer

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Welcome to the Frontier Explorer .  We are a community supported magazine for tabletop RPGs and fiction.  Here on our site you will be able to download electronic versions of the magazine, submit content for publication, and much more.  Some of the site features include:

  • Downloadable PDF's of the magazine and special issues
  • Submission Form to send in content for publication
  • Forums for discussing the magazine contents
  • Downloadable hi-res versions of maps, diagrams, and some images used in the magazine.
  • On-line versions of the individual articles from previous issues of the magazine that you can reference on-line

Poke around, download the current issue and enjoy exploring the frontiers of the various worlds and universes we visit.  If you have ideas or suggestions, feel free to drop us a line



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