Hello explorers!
The Sathar are coming! Issue 6 of the Frontier Explorer is now available for download. This issue focuses on the Sathar and provides a wealth of information on how to integrate the sathar into your campaign. Most of the content is rules agnostic and would allow the inclusion of the sathar regardless of the game system.
Articles include information on sathar society and military organization, an adventure introducing a possible sathar defector, a look at possible interactions with the sathar and the megacorps, and a look at hypnotism. We also introduce the first of a series of articles looking at converting Star Frontiers material to the Stars Without Number game system. In this issue we look at converting the sathar attack monsters.
We also had a complete set of deck plans for a sathar destroyer but it just wouldn't fit. Look for it coming out as a special "Frontier Explorer Presents" issue in the next month or so.
The issue content (articles) are:
- A Player's Guide to the Star Frontiers Setting
- Yazirian Parajumper
- Truane's Star System Brief
- Sathar Summit II
- Consipracy Theories
- Sathar and the Megacorps
- A Thin Sharp Line
- Extending the Line
- Sathar Military Organization
- Sathar Monsters Without Number
- Exploring Hypnotism in the Frontier
- Cybernuk of New Pale
- A Can of Worms
- Living Expenses
- Got Techno-Babble?
- The Gray Wave
- Grymz Guide Comic #6
Grab your copy and keep exploring new frontiers.